St Peter & St Paul

West Way, Botley, OX2 9JY

Our church welcomes people of all ages and we serve the growing community of Botley. As well as Sunday Services and Morning Prayer the church is open daily from 10am -4pm for prayer, quiet reflection and visitors. If the door is open, please do come in.

Worship with us

Our church community looks forward to meeting new worshippers and new families. We understand it can be intimidating going to a new church and our services are kept simple and easy to follow. We serve coffee and tea after the Sunday service, so everyone can catch up, chat and get to know each other.

Our worship follows this pattern:

Sunday 9.30am Holy Communion

Wednesday 10.30am Holy Communion in the community room of Field House, next door to the church

Friday 9.30am Morning Prayer

Please see the Prayer & Worship page for information about worship at our sister churches. The last section of the monthly benefice newsletter found on the News and Events page contains the full schedule of worship for the month ahead , including seasonal services.

Children and Families at St Peter & St Paul

Children of all ages are welcome at our services which are designed to be easy and simple to follow. We know it can be nerve-racking to bring young children to church services, so we have a quiet area at the back with books, toys and colouring if you need some quiet time during the service.

We hold Messy Church services regularly for primary school aged children and their carers. It's a great way for children, families & adults to take part in Church in a fun, creative, and open way and we use craft, story and song to learn about bible stories. Everyone is welcome from across the whole community. Please see our monthly newsletter or Facebook page for the date of the next Messy Church.

Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals

Please contact the Rector if you would like to arrange a baptism, wedding or funeral at St. Peter & St. Paul (contact details at the bottom of this page).  The Church of England’s wedding site  contains a lot of helpful information on arranging a wedding in church.

A funeral led by a Church of England minister can be held in church, in a churchyard, by a graveside, or at a crematorium.

Hiring the Hall and Church

We have a range of lettable space which can be hired individually, or combined for large events. There is WIFI throughout all our buildings and the hire rates are reasonable. See the hall website for more information

The Church Hall is a large space at 165m2 hall with a well equipped kitchen. It can be hired for group activities, and private or commercial use. It can comfortably seat 80 people at tables, more in conference style. Standard rates range from £15 - £18/hour. Other rates apply depending on use, please enquire.

The Church can also be hired at the discretion of the committee. It is a large open space and can accommodate 150 people seated. It has been used for elections, choral concerts, theatre, music rehearsals and Christmas markets. Hourly rates £20. Other rates apply depending on use, please enquire.

The Chapel is a small, comfortable space suitable for small workshops or meetings and can accommodate up to 20 people depending on layout. Hourly rates £10.50.

Carparking at the venue is limited and hirers and their guests are encouraged to use the easy to find public carparks which are adjacent to the church and located in the West Way complex.

Please contact the Bookings Manager for more information and to enquire about availability:


God so loved the world….that he gave his only son

(John 3.16)

The Parochial Church Council raises funds to maintain the church building and support the mission and ministry in this parish. We rely on the regular generous giving of our congregation, visitors and supporters to do this. We receive no regular financial support from any other source.

If you would like to support this church please go to the giving page for our parish.

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