Our church is a medieval building of great simplicity and beauty serving the village of North Hinksey and surrounding area. Our loyal congregation will give you a warm and friendly welcome in this much loved church. As well as our Sunday Service we hold a midweek Morning Prayer and host services for North Hinksey Primary School. We try to keep the church open as much as possible for private prayer and reflection, so if the door is open, please come in!
St Lawrence
North Hinksey Lane, OX2 0NB

Worship with us
Our traditional pattern of worship is as follows:
11.30am Sunday Eucharist. Book of Common Prayer Mattins on the third Sunday of each month.
9.30am Thursday Morning Prayer
Everyone is welcome at all our services. If you have never been to church before, or haven’t been for a while our services are easy to follow and we are happy to answer all kinds of questions about what is going on.
Please see the Prayer & Worship page for information about worship at our sister churches. The last section of the monthly benefice newsletter found on the News and Events page contains the full schedule of worship for the month ahead , including seasonal services.
Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals
Please contact the Rector if you would like to arrange a baptism, wedding or funeral at St. Lawrence (contact details at the bottom of this page). The Church of England’s wedding site contains a lot of helpful information on arranging a wedding in church.
A funeral led by a Church of England minister can be held in church, in a churchyard, by a graveside, or at a crematorium. At our sister church of St. Peter & St. Paul there is a Memorial Garden where ashes can be interred.
God so loved the world….that he gave his only son
(John 3.16)
The Parochial Church Council raises funds to maintain the church building and support the mission and ministry in this parish. We rely on the regular generous giving of our congregation, visitors and supporters to do this. We receive no regular financial support from any other source.
If you would like to support this church please go to the giving page for our parish.