St Frideswide
Botley Road, Oxford, OX2 0DB
We are a worshipping community of all ages (0-90+) and backgrounds (too many to describe). We welcome children and their parents and have provision for them within the service. We use the Church of England liturgy in modern language and seek to offer high quality music, preaching and welcome. Incense is used on Sundays.

Worship with us
Our Sunday worship follows this pattern:
* 8.30am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
10.30am Common Worship
*On the last Sunday of the month, the 8.30am congregation joins the 9am service at St Margaret’s Church Binsey.
Everyone is welcome at all our services. If you haven’t been to church before, or haven’t been for a while, all our services are easy to follow and we’re used to answering all kinds of questions about what is going on, so please do just ask!
Please see the Prayer & Worship page for information about worship at our sister churches. The last section of the monthly benefice newsletter found on the News and Events page contains the full schedule of worship for the month ahead , including seasonal services.
Children at St Frideswide
Family church takes place on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, during the 10.30am service.
Junior Choir takes place on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, with a rehearsal from 9.50am.
We always love to hear from new people and visitors, so if you would like to join us just drop us an email to find out more.
Our Choir
Our church choir is made up of congregation members who rehearse at 9.50am each Sunday to sing at the 10.30am service.
All are welcome to join- there are no auditions, and you don’t have to be able to read music (although that would be nice) we just ask for enthusiasm, and a wish to join in leading our worship together week by week. On 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month, children are particularly welcome as part of our Junior Choir.
Please contact the Rector if you would like to find out more
Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals
Please contact the Rector if you would like to arrange a baptism, wedding or funeral at St. Frideswide’s (contact details at the bottom of this page). The Church of England’s wedding site contains a lot of helpful information on arranging a wedding in church.
A funeral led by a Church of England minister can be held in church, in a churchyard, by a graveside, or at a crematorium.
Hiring our Facilities
There are two lettable spaces. The main church is a flexible space which can be hired for concerts, baptisms, weddings, talks and community events. The seating can be removed to create a large open space and there is a kitchenette which can be used for providing teas and coffees. The usable space is 9m x 18m and this excludes the choir stalls and altar.
The small room can be hired for meetings or training sessions. This measures 4.6m x 5.1m and seats 10.
We have parish rates for non-profit organisations based in the parish, discounted rates for those that are based elsewhere, as well as commercial rates. The basic rates are £7/hr for the small room £15/hr for the Church. However, other rates apply for larger hirers, please enquire.
To make a booking, or to request further information, please contact Andrew Horsfield
God so loved the world….that he gave his only son
(John 3.16)
The Parochial Church Council raises funds to maintain the church building and support the mission and ministry in this parish. We rely on the regular generous giving of our congregation, visitors and supporters to do this. We receive no regular financial support from any other source.
If you would like to support this church please go to the giving page for our parish.